Reasons Good Women Fall - Uju Ayalogu's Blog for News, Reviews, Articles and More

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Sunday, 29 November 2015

Reasons Good Women Fall

Reasons Good Women Fall

Nature seeks a balance. We are therefore often attracted to people who are just the opposite of what we are because we think by associating with them, we add to what they have.

This explains why introverts are often attracted to extroverts. The best example, however, is in situations where good women fall for bad men.

Many years ago during my graduate studies, there was this lady who was the apple of the eye of everyone. She was beautiful, intelligent, pleasant and decent. She had style and was also believed to be a virgin.

Naturally, many students, lectures, politicians, pastors and businessmen tried to track her down but she ‘bounced’ them all. Then word got round that she was taken. Everyone wondered who this lucky man was.

Well, he was the last person anyone could have guessed because he was wild, noisy, arrogant, naughty and a rebel. He grew a ‘wild’ beard and often revealed his chest hair. He almost had a personality disorder but this woman fell head over heels in love with him.

This man had many nice ‘things’ or beautiful girls. Sometimes, these ladies would ‘clash’ and when the man sent her away she would hang around for hours to see her man. The man made unrealistic demands and controlled everything she did.

He also often abused her but when the man told her the relationship was over she got friends to plead for her. The man refused. Everything including her grades and beauty went down with her.

Sadly, she went in for another naughty man and many wondered why good women fell for naughty men.

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