Dr. David Ikudayisi, a Nigerian-American, is a specialist in regenerative medicine based in Florida, United States (US). In this interview, Ikudayisi discloses that fat and blood extracted from the body can be used to treat human ailments including cancer, diabetes and infertility. He also speaks on anti-aging therapy.
What is regenerative medicine all about?
This specialist segment of medicine helps people to naturally regenerate and rejuvenate their bodies from the different conditions they may be suffering from without using chemicals or the orthodox medicine we are used to. We use the patients’ own blood and fat to treat them, and they look more beautiful and younger.
How does this happen?
Patients come to us with different complaints, and if they fall into the category of the ailments we treat, we take their blood, process it and inject into the area of the problem. In the case of the fat, we process it as well and give it back to the patients for administration. The blood or fat, when processed, goes into the body and accelerates the healing process naturally and the patient ailing situation improves over time.
Can all parts of the human body benefit from this specialist aspect of medicine?
Most parts of the body can benefit from this treatment. They include the eye, the lung, the heart, the kidney, the joints, the hair, facial skin, female urinary incontinence, even the breast tissue for women who don’t want to be cut open, and poor sexual performance. You can get 100% satisfaction in the treatment of the female and male sexual function enhancement. The process can save marriages and relationships.
Does this treatment apply to complicated but common ailments like cancer, diabetes, infertility, etc?
In men, there is what we call prostate cancer. The treatment has proved to be proficient in the shrinking or the slow-down of the progression of this aspect of cancer. The treatment with regenerative medicare of other aspects of cancer is still being researched into. In the case of fertility, it depends on the issue the woman has. For instance, if the woman’s infertility is a product of multiple abortion, what happens is that we do a procedure to regenerate and rejuvenate the wall of the womb.
“That way, the womb can hold the fertilized egg and the patient can conceive. There are researches on other ways regenerative medicine can treat infertility. For the diabetes patient, regenerative medical treatment improves the efficiency of the pancreas. For the heart, it improves the functionality.
If a patient requires heart transplant, after the treatment, you find that he can walk more distance. Ultimately, the patient does not need heart transplant. For chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), problem of the lungs, people who can’t breath, they use oxygen on daily basis, after the treatment, using the patient’s blood or fat, or both, they improve and get off the oxygen supplement.
How long does it take for the result of the treatment to start manifesting in the patient ? That is, if I commence regenerative medical treatment today, when do I likely to get improvement in my system?
Full improvement can come as early as three months, but the initial signs come around 21 days (three weeks). In some ailments, it can even be earlier than three weeks. In six months, the body continues to regenerate and rejuvenate.
One thing about medical treatments is that they mostly come with side effects. What side effects does regenerative medicine have?
One thing about regenerative medicine is that it is autologous, meaning that we use the patient’s own body part. So, there is no documented major side effects or infection, up till today, especially if the “procedure is done correctly. It even works as anti-body to some extent because it makes sure there is no new reaction since it is your own body part that is being given back to you. If you use fat, there may be some discomfort from the part we harvested the fat. After some time, the discomfort goes away. That is all.
It is curious that fat and blood extracted from the body can have healing properties. What makes it so?
The growth factor in the blood is what activates the healing process at a faster rate. And the stem cells in the adult fat can differentiate into any tissue where they find themselves.
What is the advantage of using fat over blood and vice versa for regenerative treatment? And what is the advantage of using both blood and fat?
The blood has growth factors that attract the stem cells to the area where the plasma is injected. The adult fat already has stem cells which can differentiate into any tissue where they find themselves. The combination of “both is better in some of the procedures.
Regenerative medicine, going by the advantage of not having to cut open a patient as it is with the orthodox medicine, must be expensive. How expensive is it?
It all depends on the presentation. But there are many things involved. It may be expensive because of the technology that regenerative medicine comes with, and the advancement of the treatment, and the skills of the personnel. But life has no price. Health is wealth. So this aspect of medicine is good for everybody who believes in good health.
You currently operate in the US. And whereas you are an American citizen, you are also a Nigerian. What plans are on ground to make Nigerians benefit from your specialist area of medicine?
I am thinking in the direction of making regenerative medicine available to Nigerians locally as early as January 2016 so that they don’t have to travel out for the treatment.
How did you train in this specialist area of medicine?
I was born in Nigeria and attended Federal Government College, Ido-Ani. I was in the University of Ibadan where I was admitted on merit for medicine in 1988. Then I got a scholarship to study in Russia in 1989 when I won the only slot for medical scholarship through the Bureau for External Aid (BEA). I had my medical education in Moscow when I left UI after spending one year. I was at Moscow Medical Institute.
From there, I went to the US for additional training where I did my intership and Fellowship training. After that, because of my experience in France with cosmetics and aesthetic surgery during my medical student years, I got interested in anti-aging, cosmetics and “aesthetics, making people look younger.
Your interest in medicine, was it a childhood ambition or something that came as you grew older?
Since I was a kid. I had always loved the medical field. One of my uncles used to be a doctor in the US. That actually motivated me into wanting to go into medicine as a child.
What have been the challenges?
There are challenges really. But with determination, there is no hurdle you cannot scale. For instance, while in Moscow, I had the challenges of the language and being far away from home. But if you have a focus and you are determined to make your dream a reality, with God, all things are possible
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