Whiz stole £400 from gambling machines... with scam so clever even HIS lawyer could not explain it - Uju Ayalogu's Blog for News, Reviews, Articles and More

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Friday, 11 December 2015


Whiz stole £400 from gambling machines... with scam so clever even HIS lawyer could not explain it


Loner Keiran Colegate had a homemade magnetic device which he used to trick it into paying out Masons - SWNS

A WHIZKID stole £400 from a gambling machine in a scam so sophisticated even his own lawyer couldn't explain how he did it.

Loner Keiran Colegate had a homemade magnetic device which he used to trick it into paying out.

The 22-year-old inserted it, before moving onto another machine but staff became suspicious about his windfall.

Cops were called and he was arrested before being charged with possessing an electro-magnetic device for fraud at the Gala Bingo.

Geoff Playford, defending, said: “This system was much too complex for the likes of us to understand.

“It required a certain amount of ingenuity.”


Colegate, of Sittingbourne, was sentenced at Maidstone Magistrates' Court
But Colegate, of Sittingbourne, had 16 previous convictions and a charge sheet dating back to when he was 12.

Prosecutor Kate Samways said he had been uncooperative in his cop interview and had even pretended to be asleep while being quizzed.

Pam Young, from the National Probation Service, said loner, ADHD-sufferer Colegate had a tough upbringing and was bullied at school.

She said: “Boredom factors significantly in his life and I would say that is one of the reasons that contributes in part to his offending.”

Judge Sheila Potipher gave him a six month jail term suspended for a year for the fraud in Maidstone, Kent.

She told him: “Clearly you have a talent in electronics but you have chosen to take it in the wrong direction.

“You could use your talents for so much good, but instead you have racked up such a record of criminality.

“It is an extremely serious matter. This is in your hands now. You have got to turn around your life.”

He was also ordered to pay back the £400 and £345 costs.

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