Award winning Bullfighter gored to death by enraged bull in front of crowd - Uju Ayalogu's Blog for News, Reviews, Articles and More

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Sunday, 10 July 2016


Award winning Bullfighter gored to death by enraged bull in front of crowd


Pictured: Wife who was sat in the crowd as her Spanish matador husband was gored to death - the first bullfighter killed in 30 years


The wife of a top bullfighter looked on in horror as her husband was gored to death during a festival in eastern Span.

 Victor Barrio, 29, from Segovia was fighting in Teruel, Aragon in eastern Spain when the bull speared him through the chest.

His wife, Raquel Sanz, 32, was in the crowd, having organised a group of supporters from their home town to attend the event.


This is the moment top Spanish Matador Victor Barrio is gored by a bull yesterday  in Teruel, Aragon


The bull, named Lorenzo, speared Barrio through the chest, puncturing his lung and severing his aorta


Barrio's colleagues attempted to distract the bull so they could carrying him from the ring  for treatment


Barrio's wife, Raquel Sanz, pictured, was in the crowd watching the horrific incident with friends
Ms Sanz, who married Barrio in 2014, was said to be 'devastated' as she saw her husband lying motionless on the ground, according to El Espanol.

The matador was taken to hospital unconscious but doctors could not do 'anything' to resuscitate him and save his life.

He rolled to the ground in a painful somersault after the 87 stone beast caught him while he tried to deflect it with 'muletazo' manoeuvre, reports La


An initial medical report conducted by Dr Ana Cristina Martinez Utrillas confirmed Barrio suffered devastating injuries as a result of the bull attack.

The report said Barrio was gored in the right chest and was in cardiac arrest by the time he was in hospital.

He underwent immediate resuscitation and was intubated. He also was given an emergency tracheotomy to allow him to breathe.


Barrio was rushed to hospital unconscious but doctors were unable to save his life due to his injuries
Shocking moment Spanish bullfighter Victor Barrio gored to death.

Daily Mail

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