How To Tell If The Egg You're About To Eat Comes From A Healthy Or Sick Chicken - MUST READ! - Uju Ayalogu's Blog for News, Reviews, Articles and More

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Tuesday, 12 July 2016


How To Tell If The Egg You're About To Eat Comes From A Healthy Or Sick Chicken - MUST READ!

Eggs are one of the most commonly used foods in the kitchen, which are very useful more than just in baking and cooking. It's one of the most powerful sources of several vitamins and protein.

Thus, it's important to know if an egg is healthy or not. It's not just about the eggs, it's the chicken where they came from.


Chickens don’t need to be vegetarian to give healthy eggs. The egg gets its colors through diet and synthetic formulas. It’s important for you to make a difference and know where all the eggs are coming from.


Here are some of the characteristics that may help you distinguish a good egg from a bad one.

Yolk color.

Most people are accustomed to eggs with bright or light yellow yolks. This actually isn’t the ideal color for an egg yolk. Chicken egg yolks should be orange—the deeper the color, the better.

Yolk thickness.

Yolks from healthy chickens tend to be thicker and rounder. This means better taste and more nutrients. You need to examine the thickness of the egg yolk when determining the quality of an egg.
Shell thickness and density.

If the egg cracks easily than it is not a good-quality egg. Chickens which have a rich diet and a good overall health produce very strong eggs. If an egg is really healthy its shell should be very difficult to crack.

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