Kalu to US, UK: Unmask Nigeria’s treasury looters - Uju Ayalogu's Blog for News, Reviews, Articles and More

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Monday 3 April 2017

Kalu to US, UK: Unmask Nigeria’s treasury looters

Kalu to US, UK: Unmask Nigeria’s treasury looters

Former governor of Abia State, Dr Orji Uzor Kalu has urged the governments of United States, United Kingdom and Germany to expose Nigerian treasury looters, who according to him are known by them.

Kalu also called on the Federal Government to institute a process that will empower renowned auditing firms to audit all public office holders to ascertain their respective sources of wealth.

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He made the calls, yesterday, in United States, while delivering a speech on “Democratic process in African countries” at the War College, Washington DC. Kalu’s visit to the college makes it the third time in three years.

Kalu, whose speech touched several issues affecting Nigeria, lamented many abnormalities in the country. According to him, “The US, UK and Germany know those who have stashed millions of dollars transferred directly from Nigeria to western countries without working for it.

“I am sure they know them. The government of United States and Britain know those who have stolen our money. Why not expose them? When ex President Olusegun Obasanjo wrote to the British government that I stole money to buy a house in London. They investigated and found out that I bought it in 1991, and that is the only house I have in Britain.”

The former governor said the looters acquired the wealth with no trace of evidence of business transactions, services or contracts, insisting on justice, rule of law and accountability for Nigeria to move forward.

The former presidential candidate decried tribal and religious sentiments, which he said, have impeded the country’s development, adding that in Nigeria, people do not see good in those who wish the country well. His words: People see no good in other people’s job.

The leaders and the governed have become so greedy that they forget the ethics of a nation. A nation is supposed to be a committed area that must have the interest of the citizens as priority. It is only in Nigeria, that a form is clearly specified to identify tribe, state, local government and religion.

That means that the government of Nigeria since 1960 has been in support of tribalism. There is no country that wants to move forward and still has such specifications. “Corruption is the greatest problem of Nigeria.

Those past leaders who claimed to be fighting corruption were only accumulating wealth. Most of them came to be leaders of our country with only N20,000, but they make no pretence in showing their wealth and affluence in their different communities.

“I was governor for eight years. And in those eight years, I never knew somebody can take public fund as his own. I never knew that somebody, aside the security vote, can take away peoples’ money.

People who had nothing when they came into office later turned to multi billionaires and nobody asks questions about how the money was made. I call on the government to institute a process whereby the KPMG, PWC, Deloitte and others would be given opportunity to audit all our past leaders.

“You cannot just make someone a governor today and next, he buys a house in Victoria Island without stating how he got the money. Likewise a minister and he is already buying houses in Maitama or Asokoro. Sometimes, possibly someone you know before,” Further speaking, Kalu recalled that “among those who supported political movement in Nigeria in 1998, few of us are being tried.

I had mentioned this in most fora I have been. Former President Olusegun Obasanjo wrote to your then President, George Bush Jnr, requesting that I should be arrested in the US, but after investigation, he said no.

He equally wrote to the British Prime Minister, but he disagreed after investigation. But I am being tried in Nigeria under a law I do not know where it comes from. But I cannot dwell on this since the matter is in the court of competent jurisdiction.

“Last time I spoke in Washington DC during a dinner, I repeated the same thing. If everyone is made to obey the rule of the land and respect the law; if all our people are made to subject themselves to the laws of the land, Nigeria will be a beautiful place to live in.”

Speaking on the Nigerian economy and the orientation of the leaders and the led, the former governor said: “We need people who will see Nigeria as Nigeria; people who will not attach any religious or tribal sentiments.

We need people who will call a spade a spade. Last week, I urged President Muhammadu Buhari to tackle the economy the way he tackled Boko Haram. I still suggest that President Buhari as a matter of urgency should declare an economic emergency. The economy is in very bad shape and the citizens are not happy.

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“What we also need to do as Nigerians is to come out and support democracy because is the only way the interest of all can be protected.

People keep blaming politicians, but they do not blame those who rig elections to put illegitimate and unfit leaders in powerful; leaders, who do not mean well for our society; leaders who think that the best way of living is to steal public funds; those who think that the only thing they are elected for is to make themselves comfortable.”

While expressing optimism that he would come out victorious in the corruption charges levelled against him by the Nigerian anti-graft agency, Kalu cautioned Nigerians against believing unsubstantiated allegations.

His words: “I believe history will exonerate us. My greatest worry is that our people are very naïve. They are very gullible and consume every lie told to them by people in authority.

I was governor for eight years; for five years of that governorship, I was committed in asking the Federal Government to do the right thing. I want to reassure you people that the judiciary in Nigeria is not as bad as it is portrayed to be.

Those in charge of the judiciary only need to ensure justice. When I was governor, we went to court against the Federal Government of Nigeria 15 times and we won 13 times. “I believe that the judiciary should be allowed to operate independently.

I am impressed with the court system here in the United States and also in United Kingdom. I am also praying that the leaders of our judiciary will continue to improve our legal system.

No matter the kind of system of government practiced in a country, the judiciary remains the bedrock of survival of that nation. Our judiciary is trying, but I believe that if we get it right, it will be the beginning of the turnaround of our democratic process.”

Commenting on the rift between the presidency and the legislature, Kalu advised President Buhari to initiate a peace talk to resolve all contentious issues. According to him, the frosty relationship between the two arms of government does not augur well for the polity. “The parliament must be totally independent. The infighting in the parliament means that our party, the APC, has to do more.

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I call on the President to initiative a peace process to ensure a cordial relationship between the executive and legislators. The President should also lead this process.” The one time student leader also decried the decaying value system in Nigeria.

He recalled what student unionism used to be in his days, adding that money is now the priority as against values. “In our civil responsibilities, which are very important for our democratic growth, Nigerians are yet to get it right.

Money is not everything and it is time we instill it in our consciousness. When I was in the university, we never requested for money from any politician.

It was unheard of asking any political party or politician for financial assistance. We strongly stood firm for Aluta, but our value system has deteriorated. When I was growing up, we used to respect elders, teachers, journalists and other professions.

Nowadays, every secondary school leaver or university graduate want to go into politics because of the loot spree of the treasury since the county’s return to democracy in 1999,” he said.

Continuing, Kalu accused western countries of doing less to help Africa, insisting that Nigeria needs support not aids. He said: “Being at the war college today to interact with you is a privilege and I will not take it for granted.

When you talk of aids given to African countries, you find out that we do not really need that. We only need equal opportunity. It is only in Africa that western leaders continue to support devaluation of currency.

Knowing full well that we produce nothing, yet they keep supporting devaluation. This is not acceptable by me. “The west should realise that the major role to be played is not to continue devaluing our currency when they are buying our raw materials for production. It is not right.

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All institutions of the west are not totally supporting Africa’s growth. We have to go another root to be able to grow economically. We have to embrace technology and agriculture.

We need industrial revolution and we have people who can start it up today, we have them in Aba, Onitsha and other Eastern parts of Nigeria. We have people who fought the civil war and are very creative.

I like the step the Federal Government has taken to legitimise illegal refineries. They should also encourage them by giving them license to operate. They should be given crude oil to refine at 35 per cent discount and Nigeria will stop importing fuel.” On rule of law, Kalu said: “We need intelligent leaders who will be able to define the policy direction. I believe President Muhammadu Buhari’s ascendance is by providence and he is there for a purpose.

There are insinuations that the President is unforgiven, I call on him to forgive people who have offended him, likewise those who feel that the President has offended them. Let us forget sentiments and see ourselves as Nigerians. The youth restiveness is also something we must tackle very quickly.”

 While lamenting lack of policy sustainability by successive governments, Kalu recounted the efforts he put in place as governor to give his state quality leadership but was frustrated by then President Obasanjo-led Federal Government through policies that denied him of funds.

He said: “Lack of consistent government policies and sustainability is what is killing us and our businesses today. Once a government comes up with a policy and leaves, the succeeding government overrides that policy with no good reason.

Some people might wonder why Lagos State is doing great amidst challenges, it is because successive governments have consistently followed the policies not minding whether the relationship is frosty or not. In Abia, it wasn’t same, my successor abandoned the policies we worked hard to put in place for Abians, and it became a disaster and people like us are being blamed.

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